Rockets: Not just for Engineers! The Society of Aeronautics and Rocketry is an exciting, fun, and diverse club that welcomes students of all majors and specializations. Everyone who works with SOAR should become an active member and is encouraged to participate in engineering, rocket, or aeronautics projects at all levels.

SOAR also offers a multitude of opportunities for specialists within their own field. From safety to supply chain to marketing to human resources, SOAR wants to give you the opportunity to use your skills to prepare you to work in a challenging environment that mirrors a real company structure. In your role with SOAR, you will handle issues that directly affect the success of your department and the organization; in many cases, you will be given the opportunity to conceive and implement new departments and processes to build the success of SOAR. So bring your ideas and passion to a new endeavor and remember, with SOAR: The sky is not the limit!

Join our discord workplace to continue your involvement!